Selected Publications

T. Laurenzo and K. Vega. Exploring AI Ethics Through Intelligent Everyday Objects. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ISEA 2020, 2020, Montreal, Canada.

T. Laurenzo, A. Rodríguez, and T. Kudinova. Extraordinary Accident: An Immersive Metaphor of Hong Kong. Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia-Pacific, November 2019, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 1-7

T. Laurenzo El arte como Resistencia (Art as a Form of Resistance). Book chapter to appear in the book “ArtFutura Latinoamérica: Nuevas Configuraciones de una Tecnología Humanizada”. Published by ArtFutura. Montevideo, Uruguay.

T. Laurenzo, Memoirs of the blind: surveillance, speed, and interaction. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ISEA 2019, GwangJu, South Korea.

A. Rodríguez, T. Laurenzo. Privacy in the Age of Mobile XR. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ISEA 2019, GwangJu, South Korea.

T. Laurenzo, K. Vega, DOOR: ethnicity in artificial intelligence. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interactions. Tempe, Az, USA.

T. Laurenzo. Notes on AI and big data. Cyberpolitics, La Diaria (ed). Montevideo, Uruguay. 2018. (in Spanish)

T. Laurenzo. Ekphrasis (extended). Journal Technoetics Arts, a Journal of Speculative Research (15.2) 2017. ISSN  1477-965X. Publisher Intellect LTD, Parnall Road, Fishponds BS16RJG, UK.

T. Laurenzo. Ekphrasis. Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Conference Taboo, Transgression and Transcendence in Art & Science. TTT2017. Ionian University, Corfu Greece.

T. Laurenzo. The user-programmer continuum. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ISEA 2017, Manizales, Colombia.

J. Jaramillo Arango , J. Bejarano Barco, T. Laurenzo , J. Llorca, E. L. Ramírez, A. M. Romano, Panel on Sonology: sonifying the conflict. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ISEA 2017, Manizales, Colombia.

T. Laurenzo. Media Appropriation and Explicitation. Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts. ISBN: 978-989-95776-0-2 | ISSN: 1646-9798. Portuguese Catholic University, Porto.

T. Laurenzo. 5500: Performance, Control, and Politics. Proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME 2016. Brisbane, Australia. 

T. Laurenzo, J. Baliosian Augmented dérive and City visualisationJournal AusArt, Issue Visuality, Energy and Conectivity. 2016. 

T. Laurenzo, J. Baliosian Wind: mediated reality visualization. Proceedings of the 2nd Art, Science City International Conference, ASC2015. Valencia, Spain.

T. Laurenzo. Geopolitical Subjectivity. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ISEA 2015, Vancouver, Canada.

T. Laurenzo. Facing Interaction. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ISEA 2014, Dubai, UAE.

T. Laurenzo. Human-Computer Ideology. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ISEA 2014, Dubai, UAE.

T. Laurenzo. The Perceptual Cloud. Proceedings of Experiencing Interactivity in Public Spaces, EIPS, CHI 2013, Paris, France. August 2013

T. Laurenzo. Decoupling and context in new media art, PhD Thesis. PEDECIBA/UDELAR. Montevideo, Uruguay, October, 2013.

C. Clark, T. Laurenzo. Celebra, Proceedings of International Symposium on Electronic Art, ISEA 2013. Sydney, Australia. July 2013.

G. Armagno, A. Martín, T. Laurenzo. New interaction modalities for the XO. 1st conference on Appropriation and Development. Montevideo, Uruguay. November 2012. *

A. Martín, G. Armagno, T. Laurenzo. An interdisciplinary education space for tackling accessibility problems of the One Laptop Per Child program. Journal Unam.MX. Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, May 2012. *

T. Laurenzo, G. Armagno, A. Martín, C. Clark y C. Palás. Laboratorio de Medios (medialab) and Project NEXO. Facultad de Ingeniería. Teaching Summit,. November 2011. Montevideo, Uruguay. *

T. Laurenzo, G. Armagno, A. Martín y C. Palás. XO accessibility. Research and innovation for equality: challenges for Latin-American psychology. Facultad de Psicología. February 2011. Montevideo, Uruguay. *

B. Azzinnari, G.Caldeiro, P. Bounous, T. Laurenzo. A new iteration of YARMI. 2011 AES Latin American Congress of Audio Engineering, AES LAC 2011, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2001. *

T. Laurenzo. Nibia and the ludic component. International Symposium on Electronic Art, ISEA 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.

T. Laurenzo, G. Armagno. Enabling Stories. International Symposium on Electronic Art, ISEA 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.

M. Payssé, P. Latorre, F. Serón, T. Laurenzo, A. Bonfiglio, J. Portillo, F. García. The Calera Project, a case study of an integral use of Augmented Reality in an archaeological site. Journal of Cultural Heritage, London, United Kingdom, 2010. (ISSN: 12962074)

T. Laurenzo, G. Armagno. Accessibility and Education. IV Forum on Innovation on Higher education. UDELAR, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2010. *

G. Armagno, M. Bonilla, S. Marichal, T. Laurenzo. Designing interfaces for children with motor impairments: An ethnographic approach. 23 Conference of the XXIX International Conference of the Chilean Computer Society, SCCC 2010, Santiago de Chile, Chile

M. Payssé, A. Bonfiglio, F. Serón, P. Latorre, T. Laurenzo. Virtual reconstruction of the Estancia Jesuítica de Belén (Calera de las Huérfanas), stage 2. XIV Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, 2010, Bogotá, Colombia. *

M. Payssé, A. Bonfiglio, F. Serón, P. Latorre, T. Laurenzo. The Calera Project, a case study of an integral use of Augmented Reality in an archaeological site. 9th conference on Research in the School of Architecture, 2010 Montevideo, Uruguay. *

R. Dannenberg, T. Laurenzo. Critical Point: A composition for cello and computer. CHI 2010: Media Showcase. Atlanta, GA, USA

T. Laurenzo, New Media Art and Digital Inclusion in Uruguay. Portal Uruguay Cultural, 2009.*

N. Acerenza, A. Coppes, G. Mesa, A. Viera, E. Fernández, T. Laurenzo, D. Vallespir; A methodology for videogame development, extended version.; PEDECIBA Techincal Report 2009 (RT 13-09), PEDECIBA, UDELAR, Montevideo, Uruguay. *

N. Acerenza, A. Coppes, G. Mesa, A. Viera, E. Fernández, T. Laurenzo, D. Vallespir; A methodology for videogame development; XII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, SBLP 2009, Fortaleza, Brasil. *

E. Fernández, T. Laurenzo, A. Filippini. SVTI y TVTI: courses on interactive technologies and videogames. International Conference on Education in Uruguay,, CISEU 2009. Montevideo, Uruguay. *

T. Laurenzo, Ribbons: A live cinema instrument. International Symposium on Electronic Art, ISEA 2009, Belfast, Ireland, 2009.

T. Laurenzo, E. Rodríguez, J. Castro, YARMI: an augmented reality musical instrument. New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME’09. Philadeplhia, USA.

T. Laurenzo, E. Rodríguez, Puzzling. IV Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Graphics, SIACG 2009, Isla Margarita, Venezuela.

T. Laurenzo, HCI practices in new media art. IX Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona – Ordenador. Interacción 2008, Albacete, Spain, 2008.

T. Laurenzo, Low cost digital lutherie. International Symposium on Electronic Art, ISEA 2008, Singapore, Singapore, 2008.

T. Laurenzo, Some works on new media art, , JIIO’08 – INCO, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2008.*

T. Laurenzo, New Media Art and Digital Inclusion in Uruguay. International Congress on Art and New Technologies. Organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art of Sao Paulo and the Sao Paulo University, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 2007. *

T. Laurenzo, G. Facciolo, A. Almansa. Towards a psychophysical validation of Helmholtz’ Principle. Symposium “Representation of reality by brain and machines; crossed views from neurosciences and computer vision”, Montevideo, Uruguay. 2004

T. Laurenzo, G. Facciolo. A tool for robot soccer strategies analysis. WCAFR2004: Workshop in Artificial Intelligence applied to Mobile Robotics, Tandil, Argentina, 2004. *

E. Fernández, M. Giorgi, T. Laurenzo. VIEG: a graph-based tool for visualization of structured information. V Human Computer Interaction Congress, Lleida, Spain, 2004. *

T. Laurenzo. Art at INCO? JIIO’03 – INCO, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2003. *

M. Giorgi, T. Laurenzo. Tools and algorithms for graphs visualization. JIIO’03 – INCO, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2003. *

T. Laurenzo. Degree thesis: Art and Technology. First Congress of Education for Engineering, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2002. *

G. Abal, S. Kahan, T. Laurenzo, R. Fiorelli. Incorporation of new interactive methodologies in the education of the Physics for Engineering. 2nd. Forum on Education and Learning in Massivity Contexts, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2002. *

* those marked with an asterisk are written in Spanish, here the translated titles are shown.