The Blind Spot

A collection of brain-reactive VR scenes that propose a feedback loop where experiencing the space modifies it.

The Blind Spot is an artwork comprised of two systems interacting with each other. On the one hand, a VR headset is used. On the other, the work uses an EEG sensor as a form of brain-computer interaction. In between the two systems is the human perception and processing.

This in-between, the human, decides through reading of their brainwaves and brain activity, the generation and change of immersive visual and audio environments

In turn, the newly created visuals and brain-reactive audio are stimulating the brain to react to them, leading to a feedback circle between the VR reality and the human perception. In short, the technological set-up is completed through extending the signal processing by the human brain activity. The system is an interface creating a two-way generation and influence of content.

The project is comprised of five scenes that present different EEG-reactive environments. This is done through a pipeline of data processing where the EEG data to generate textures in real time (using Processing) which, in turn, are mapped to both pixel and vertex shaders in Unity.

This technique, am idea first proposed by Christian Clark was implemented as follows: The EEG data is captured using a Muse sensor and sent over OSC to our Processing program. In Processing, we pass the EEG data to a shader that generates a texture. We then send this texture using Syphon to Unity. In Unity, we read this texture and use it to control parameters of the particle systems, to distort geometry with vertex shader, to move lights, and as texture for large geometries.

Following the same architecture, I created five different scenes: a completely generative one, which, without using any modelled geometry, translates EEG data into water and smoke, a second one that distorts a plane, and three based on modelled geometry. I created the models for two scenes using Mudbox, while Tobias Klein –a modelling virtuoso– modelled the third one in 3D Max.




Brain Portraits